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IBM 000-8697 Steps That Occur During a Data Restore

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4-46 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Steps That Occur During a Data Restore
7. Mount the first level-0 archive tape on TAPEDEV.
8. The tbtape process reads reserved page information from the tape
and verifies that the current configuration and the tape are
9. Back up any logical log files remaining on the disk, if prompted by
tbtape. Mount tape on LTAPEDEV.
10. The tbtape process reads each page of data from the archive tape(s)
and writes the page to the address contained in header.
11. After the last archive tape is restored, thetbinit daemon process
clears the physical log to prevent fast recovery activity.
12. The tbinit process initializes shared memory.
13. Thetbtape process prompts for the logical logs to be rolled forward.
14. Mount the correct tape (as prompted) on LTAPEDEV.
15. Thetbinit process rolls forward the logical logs, prompting for more
tapes as required.
16. Afterthe rollforward is complete, OnLine remains in quiescent mode
and tbinit returns control to the administrator at theDB-Monitor
Archive menu.

