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Samsung SM-J720F/DS SM-J720FZDDKSA, SM-J720FZKDKSA, SM-J720FZVDKSA Connecting to nearby devices, Samsung, Samsung, Add device, SmartThings, SmartThings, SmartThings

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Apps and features

Open the Samsung folder and launch the SmartThings app. The dashboard will appear.

Access additional options.

Search for and register nearby devices.

Supported devices

SmartThings tips

User stories

Manage automations.







Manage locations and devices.










Connecting to nearby devices

Connect to nearby devices, such as Bluetooth headsets, easily and quickly.

Connection methods may vary depending on the type of connected devices or the shared content.



Open the Samsung folder and launch the SmartThings app.

Follow the pop-up window’s instructions to turn on the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth auto on feature.

When you launch the SmartThings app, the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features will be automatically activated.


On the dashboard, tap Add device.


The device will automatically search for nearby devices.


Select a device from the list and connect to it by following the on-screen instructions.


Once the connection is made, you can use the device or share the content.



