2-14 Copyright 1999, 3M IPC. All rights reserved.
10. Check the operation of the electrical interlocks
for the sliding doors. With the drive motors
running, move each sliding door, one at a time,
from its closed position. Verify that the drive
motors stop and that they cannot be restarted by
pressing the RESET button and then the START
button until the door is closed.
Verify also that when the door is open only
OUTPUT LEDs 13 and 14 are ON and no INPUT
LEDs are displayed on the Programmable Con-
troller located inside of the Electrical Control
Figure 2-17. Photocell Locations
11. Refer to Figure 2-17. Check the operation of the
photocells PC1 through PC6. Cover each photo-
cell in turn and observe the associated INPUT
LED number displayed on the Programmable
Controller. The INPUT LED should be ON when
the associated photocell is covered.
Photocell INPUT LED
PC1 IN 4
PC2 IN 5
PC3 IN 6
PC4 IN 7
PC5 IN 8
PC6 IN 9
Installation 3M-Matic 800rf Case Sealer