Scanner Options

Scamax 2600 / 5000


5 Expanded Endorser Control for Scamax 2600

5.1What it is and How it Works

The Patchcode Controlled Index by Janich & Klass is intended as a method to control the scanning process, to generate a data structure specific for each image, and simultaneously endorse the paper.

The Patchcode Controlled Index requires an Agfa Admis S31 with SCSI firmware version 0.131 or higher. For printing on scanned documents the endorser must be built-in.

It is normally very difficult for a scan application to find out what a built-in endorser has printed on the page, especially when the scanner works with a buffer. It is, for example, fairly impossible to change the printout for page 11 depending on the information on page 10 that just comes right out of the buffer, because by the time this has happened, the scanner is already at page 15 or 16.

A solution for this is to make the decision just before the new scan (and print) command is sent to the machine. That works with a Janich & Klass SCSI scanner interface, which is mounted in several scanner models.

The interface itself utilizes five counters that are incremented by user-defined values on every image. Therefore, it is easy to change the endorsement every 100 images, for example.

Patchcodes are fast, reliable, and easy to identify, so it is ideal when they are printed on separator sheets. The interface can recognize it fast enough to control the further process (e.g. to change the printout for the endorser, to set/reset some counters, to drop/skip the page, or simply to stop the scanner), on the condition that the code is printed at the top of the page.

The SCSI Interface sends the image to the host where it is handled by the application. When Patchcode Controlled Index is utilized, an additional data structure, called a "Header", is sent along with each image.

This header contains everything the interface board "knows" at this moment - the counters, date and time, and the recognized Patchcode.

A scan application such as DpuScan can read this header and use its information to generate directory and file structures. In summary, it is possible, for example, to name all files with exactly the same text that is printed by the endorser.

To be able to print at all, the endorser must be enabled first:

Class Configuration Data Source Scanner Options

At the bottom of the Options page, you will find the box labeled Text. You must enter the code %%I

Because the Patchcode Controlled Index depends on the hardware, the setup dialog for the Index is found within the scanner’s setup dialog. For example, the Index setup for the Scamax 2600 is found on the last tab.

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