
Scamax 2600 / 5000

Scanner Options

Please make sure the single sheet processor is switched on at the scanner.

Another possibility to effectively work with the manual feeder is the "Ignore paper status" function on the Options property tab.

Fillcolor on Underlength

This parameter determines the fill color with which the missing length of an image that is shorter than the defined paper length. This function can be executed only if "No Length Control" is enabled and if the borders of the image are not cut. (Function: Border Cropping).

With a duplex scanner, this fill color is valid for the front side of a document and the back side.

Fillcolor on Deskew

This parameter determines the fill color for missing parts of an image due to a document skew and automatic alignment.

With a duplex scanner, this fill color is valid for the front side of a document and the back side.

Roller Cleaning

The transport rolls of the machine should always be cleaned when the scanner no longer feeds the paper from the batch.

To clean the rollers, take a fluff-free cloth or piece of paper and use the recommended cleaning liquid. After starting the process, press the cloth to the underside of the feed rollers.

After pressing the Roller Cleaning button, a dialog appears that allows the user to start and stop the process.

White Calibration

White calibration is required to compensate for differences in brightness that arise in the optical transmission system. The calibration is made at the factory site, but it is also recommended in situations when:

a new lamp has been mounted in the scanner, or

there are "stripes” and differences in brightness that are not caused by normal pollution of the machine during the production process. Please make sure to clean the scanner before starting any calibration.

The calibration is best made with the special white calibration sheets that were shipped together with the machine. Put the calibration sheet into the feeder and press the calibration button.

Another dialog appears to start the process.

The process cannot be interrupted, and takes about ninety seconds to complete.

When the calibration is completed, a corresponding message dialog appears. Please restart the scanner after every white calibration.

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