Scanner Options

Scamax 2600 / 5000


5.3.4Level and Mode Output – "Print Flags" Tab

The fourth tab allows the user to select how the Sequential ID, the level, the mode, and the flags should be printed.

Sequential ID

Level /


Momentary Flag /

Latched Flag

Illustration 10 – Print Flags

The Sequential ID (running number) can be printed with 8 digits, aligned to the left or to the right, with leading zeros, or of variable length.

Mode and Level can be printed with 2 digits aligned, aligned to the left or to the right, with leading zeros, or of variable length.

The Momentary and the Latched Flag can be printed this way:

If they are set – as "1", or as "M" or "L"

If they are not set – as "0", as a blank, or just left out ("not in use”).

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