
Scamax 2600 / 5000

Scanner Options

Fixed Text

In addition to numeric values such as counters or flags, the endorser can


print text.




Only the printout text is limited to the number of characters selected here.


The text itself has to be entered in the field "Fixed Text Field", as seen


below. It can hold up to 15 characters.







It makes sense to enter a long, fixed text a lot of information and


send it along with the header to the scan application. On the other



hand, it may be applicable to print out only a small part of the text on



the original document to keep as close to its "original" state as







You can choose a delimiter to separate Sequential ID, level, mode, and


flags. This character will be printed after a parameter, on the condition


that in at least one of the boxes "Don't print" is not selected.

5.3.5Preview of Endorser and Header

At the bottom of the Parameter Configuration dialog is a frame titled Endorsement Preview. It contains an input field for the fixed endorser text, a grayed field for the summary of all counters and flags output, and some lines that show how many characters are left for the several output fields.

Fixed Text Field

In addition to numeric values such as counters or flags, the endorser can


print text. The text is limited to 15 characters.


The first 10 characters from this string comprise the first (leftmost) part of


Image Address.

Numeric Fields

This field gives an idea of the printout; numbers with leading zeros are


shown as a sequence of zeros ("000"). Numbers with a fixed length are


shown as number/pound signs ("###").


The flags are displayed as their character, where ”L" means latched and


"M" stands for momentary.


If a number has variable length or a flag may be omitted (if unset), the


placeholder is a question mark ("?").




For a SCAMAX the Counter A and the rightmost delimiter are


handled differently by the driver than the other counters, flags, and


delimiters. They do not account for the calculation of the maximum


field length.


The overall length for endorser text is limited by several machine


dependent parameters. For example, with a SCAMAX scanner, the fixed


text field and numeric fields are limited to 15 characters each (except


Counter A and its delimiter, as seen above).

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