no bridge-ext gvrp
Function: Enable the GVRP function for the switch or the current Trunk port; the “no
gvrp” command disables the GVRP function globally or for the port.
Command mode: Interface Mode and Global Mode.
Default: GVRP is disabled by default.
Usage Guide: Port GVRP can only be enabled after global GVRP is enabled. When
global GVRP is disabled, port GVRP configurations also void. Note GVRP can only be
enabled on Trunk ports.
Example: Enable the GVRP function globally and for Trunk port 1/10.
Switch(Config)# bridge-ext gvrp
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/10
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/10)# bridge-ext gvrp
Switch A
Switch B
Switch C
Fig 5-3 Typical GVRP Application Topology