z Operation-Set or Remove
z Reset-Will set column as startup defaults. This command will not modify the
Apply-Will take effort to all setting. This command will modify the configuration.
If would like to set the policy-map in port Ethernet 1/1. Choosing Ethernet1/1 for port and
p1 for policy-map; to select Input for port direction and Set for operation, then click Apply.
Click Apply DSCP mutation mapping to entry the configure page. It is equivalent to CLI
All sections describe as following:
z Port name
z DSCP mutation name
z Operation-Set or Remove
If would like to set the DSCP mutation in port Ethernet 1/1. Choosing Port name as
Ethernet1/1, input mu1 for DCSP mutation name, to select Set for Operation, then click
Click Egress-queue configuration to display the extensions, including three sections:
1. Egress-queue wrr weight configuration
2. Egress-queue work mode configuration
3. Mapping CoS values to egress queues