port Ethernet1/2 :
both of the port and the agg attributes are not equal
the general information of the port are as follows:
portnumber: 2 actor_port_agg_id: 0 partner_oper_sys: 0x000000000000
partner_oper_key: 0x0002 actor_oper_port_key: 0x0102
mode of the port: ACTIVE lacp_aware: enable
begin: FALSE port_enabled: FALSE lacp_ena: TRUE ready_n: TRUE
the attributes of the port are as follows:
mac_type: ETH_TYPE speed_type: ETH_SPEED_100M
duplex_type: FULL port_type: ACCESS
the machine state and port state of the port are as follows:
mux_state: DETCH rcvm_state: P_DIS prm_state: NO_PER
actor_oper_port_state : L_A___F_
partner_oper_port_state: _TA___F_
Displayed information Explanation
portnumber Port number
actor_port_agg_id Number of the channel to add the port. If the port cannot be added to
the channel due to inconsistent parameter between the port and the
channel, 3 will be displayed,.
partner_oper_sys System ID of the other end.
partner_oper_key Operational key of the other end.
actor_oper_port_key Local end operational key
mode of the port The mode in which port is added to the group
mac_type Port type: standard Ethernet port and fiber-optical distributed data
speed_type Port speed type: 10M, 100M, 1,000M and 10G.
duplex_type Port duplex mode: full duplex and half duplex
port_type Port VLAN property: access port or trunk port
mux_state Status of port binding status machine
rcvm_state Status of port receiving status machine
prm_state Status of port sending status machine
3. Display load balance information for port-group1.
Switch# show port-group 1 load-balance
The loadbalance of the group 1 based on src MAC address.