ACL name configuration – Configure name ACL, including standard ACL and
extended ACL
Filter configuration - Enable filter globally. ACL filter is binded to the port by default.
9.5.1 Add standard numeric IP ACL configuration
Click Numeric ACL configuration, Add standard numeric. Users can configure ACL.
See the equivalent CLI command at
The explanation of each field is as below:
ACL number - ACL number (1 – 99)
Rule – permit; deny
Source address type - Specified IP address or allow any address
Source IP address - Source IP address
Reverse network mask - Reverse network mask
For example: Add a standard numeric IP ACL. Input number in ACL number(1-99); set
other attributes, and then click Add.
9.5.2 Delete standard numeric IP ACL configuration
Click Numeric ACL configuration, Delete numeric ACL rule. The configuration page is
shown. See the equivalent CLI command at and
The explanation of each field is as below:
ACL number – ACL number (1-199)
For example: Delete a numeric IP ACL. Input the number of the ACL, and then click
9.5.3 Extended numeric ACL configuration