PortName ID IntRPC State Role DsgBridge DsgPort
-------------- ------- --------- --- ---- ------------------ -------
Ethernet1/1 128.001 0 FWD MSTR 32768.00030f010e30 128.001
Ethernet1/2 128.002 0 BLK ALTR 32768.00030f010e30 128.002
Displayed Information Description
Bridge Information
Standard STP version
Bridge MAC Bridge MAC address
Bridge Times Max Age, Hello Time and Forward Delay of the bridge
Force Version Version of STP
Instance Information
Self Bridge Id The priority and the MAC address of the current bridge for the
current instance
Root Id The priority and the MAC address of the root bridge for the
current instance
Ext.RootPathCost Total cost from the current bridge to the root of the entire
Int.RootPathCost Cost from the current bridge to the region root of the current
Root Port ID Root port of the current instance on the current bridge
MSTP Port List Of The
Current Instance
PortName Port name
ID Port priority and port index
ExtRPC Port cost to the root of the entire network
IntRPC Cost from the current port to the region root of the current
State Port status of the current instance
Role Port role of the current instance
DsgBridge Upward designated bridge of the current port in the current
DsgPort Upward designated port of the current port in the current
instance show mst configuration
Command: show spanning-tree mst config