43 ssh-server enable Command: ssh-server enable
no ssh-server enable
Function: Enable SSH function on the switch; the “no ssh-server enable” command
disables SSH function.
Command mode: Global Mode
Default: SSH function is disabled by default.
Usage Guide: In order that the SSH client can log on the switch, the users need to
configure the SSH user and enable SSH function on the switch.
Example: Enable SSH function on the switch.
Switch(Config)#ssh-server enable
Command: ssh-user <username> password {0|7} <password>
no ssh-user <username>
Function: Configure the username and password of SSH client software for logging on
the switch; the “no ssh-user <user-name>” command deletes the username.
Parameter: <username> is SSH client username. It can’t exceed 16 characters;
<password> is SSH client password. It can’t exceed 8 characters; 0|7 stand for
unencrypted password and encrypted password.
Command mode: Global Mode
Default: There are no SSH username and password by default.
Usage Guide: This command is used to configure the authorized SSH client. Any
unauthorized SSH clients can’t log on and configure the switch. When the switch is a
SSH server, it can have maximum three users and it allows maximum three users to
connect to it at the same time.
Example: Set a SSH client which has “switch” as username and “switch” as password.
Switch(Config)#ssh-user switch password 0 switch
Command: ssh-server timeout <timeout>
no ssh-server timeout
Function: Configure timeout value for SSH authentication; the “no ssh-server timeout”
command restores the default timeout value for SSH authentication.