Number of port Port number in the port-channel.
Standby port Port that is in “standby” status, which means the port is
qualified to join the channel but cannot join the channel due to
the maximum port limit, thus the port status is “standby”
instead of “selected”. debug lacp
Command: debug lacp
no debug lacp
Function: Enables the LACP debug function: the “no debug lacp” command disables
this debug function.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Default: LACP debug information is disabled by default.
Usage Guide: Use this command to enable LACP debug so that LACP packet processing
information can be displayed.
Example: Enable LACP debug.
Switch#debug lacp
If problems occur when configuring port aggregation, please first check the following for
& Ensure all ports in a port group have the same properties, i.e. whether they are in full
duplex mode, forced to the same speed, and have the same VLAN properties, etc. If
inconsistency occurs, make sure to correct.
& Some commands cannot be used on port in port-channel, including: arp, bandwidth,
ip, ip-forward, etc.
& When port-channel is forced, as the aggregation is triggered manually, the port group
will stay unaggregated if aggregation fails due to inconsistent VLAN information. Ports
must be added to or removed from the group to trigger another aggregation, if VLAN
information inconsistency persists, the aggregation will fail again. The aggregation will
only succeed when VLAN information is consistent and aggregation triggered due to port
addition or removal.
& Verify port group is configured in the partner end, and in the same configuration. If the
local end is set in manual aggregation or LACP, the same should be done in the partner
end; otherwise part aggregation will not work properly. Another thing to note is that if both
ends are configured with LACP, then at least one of them should be in ACTIVE mode,