Attempting to select Mode 5 when the drive is empty will result in a NO TAPE error message appearing on the LCD. Press
MODE to return the FastStor to LdR REAdY.
If a NOT LOAdEd error message appears on the LCD when pressing SELECT, the current tape has not completed loading.
Press MODE to clear the error and return the FastStor to LdR REAdY.
If a CANNOT FMT error message appears on the LCD when pressing SELECT, the drive cannot reformat the cartridge (i.e.,
TK85 cartridge in a DLT4000 drive). Press MODE to clear the error and return the FastStor to LdR REAdY.
Mode 6 – SET SCSI ID
SCSI ID changes are not effective until power is cycled on the FastStor.
Use Mode 6 to set the SCSI ID of the FastStor robotics and/or the drive.
❐To access Mode 6, press the MODE button repeatedly until the LCD appears as shown:
Set scsi
2 3 4
5 6 7
❐Press the SELECT button to select Mode 6. The LCD will appear as shown: