Example Closing Channel Path
[ROUTe:]PATH[:COMMon]?<comm>,<channel> returns either a 1 or a 0 indicating whether the specified path is closed (continuity exists) or open (the signal path is broken). <comm> is a
NameTypeRange of Values
<comm> numeric
<channel> numeric
Comments Continuity Results. The output buffer contains an unquoted string signifying the result: 0 = the specified path does NOT have continuity or 1 = the specified path DOES have continuity
Command is Hardware Readback. PATH? is a hardware readback command. It returns the current state of the hardware controlling the specified path. PATH? does not account for a failed relay.
NOTE Use PATH? to determine if a path is closed. Closing one path may open another path if both paths use the same relays. See Chapter 1 to determine if this might happen.
Invalid Values. Invalid <comm> and <channel> values or combinations may cause one of the following errors:
2001, “Invalid Channel Number” for invalid channel< >
2023, “Invalid Common Bank Number” for invalid comm< >.
2024, “Invalid Source Bank Number” for invalid channel< >
2025, “Invalid
*RST Condition. Channel bb0 connects to COM bb for all
34 RF Switch Command Reference | Chapter 3 |