Command Description
Wait to Complete. For the E1470A, the only pending operation is the time delay (approximately 16 msec) provided to allow the relays to settle. If this command waits longer than about 60 msec, the error
SCPI*WAI | Commands Quick Reference | |
| Description |
| |
DIAGnostic:CLOSe | Closes individual relays. | |
DIAGnostic:CLOSe? | Returns a number that indicates the closed state of each relay in the list. | |
DIAGnostic:OPEN | Opens individual relays. | |
DIAGnostic:OPEN? | Returns a number that indicates the open state of each relay in the list. | |
DIAGnostic:RELAY | Returns the relay numbers for all relays that are closed. | |
| |
[ROUTe:]PATH[:COMMon] | Connect a path. | |
[ROUTe:]PATH[:COMMon]? | Query if path connected. | |
| |
SYSTem:ERRor? | Returns error number/message in the Error Queue. | |
SYSTem:VERSioCommand? | Returns SCPI compliance year. | |
38 RF Switch Command Reference | Chapter 3 |