NXC-VOL4 Channel Assignments
The NXC- VOL4 channel assignments are listed in the following table. This card has 2 ports with 2 audio "channels" in each port. The two audio "channels", which can be used as right and left, should not be confused with the channel assignments, which are sent to and from the card.
NXC-VOL4 Channel Assignments (per port)
Port 1 | Port 2 | Description |
Channel: | Channel: |
1 | 1 | While channel is on, ramps the volume on audio channels 1 and 2 up (increase). |
2 | 2 | While channel is on, ramps the volume on audio channels 1 and 2 down (decrease). |
3 | 3 | While channel is on, the volume on audio channels 1 and 2 are muted (lowest volume); when |
| channel is off, the volume levels are restored to their previous levels. |
4 | 4 | While channel is on, ramps the volume on audio channel 1 up (increase). |
5 | 5 | While channel is on, ramps the volume on audio channel 1 down (decrease). |
6 | 6 | While channel is on, the volume on audio channel 1 is muted (lowest volume); when channel is |
| off, the volume level is restored. |
7 | 7 | While channel is on, ramps the volume for audio channel 2 up (increase). |
8 | 8 | While channel is on, ramps the volume for audio channel 2 down (decrease). |
9 | 9 | While channel is on, volume for audio channel 2 is muted (lowest volume); when channel is off, |
| the volume level is restored. |
Ramping a volume channel while the mute channel is on will not automatically turn off the mute channel but the
ramping will still occur; the volume change will be noticed when the mute channel is turned off. For setting ramp rates and presets, refer to theProgramming Information section on page 38.
NXC-VOL4 Levels
Volume (audio) channels 1 and 2 use levels 1 and 2 respectively. For reading current volume levels and displaying bargraphs seeCREATE_LEVEL andSEND_LEVEL. The two levels associated with each port of the
Card are listed in the table below:
NXC-VOL4 Levels
Port 1 | Port 2 |
Level Description Level Description
1 | Output #1 | 1 | Output #3 |
2 | Output #2 | 2 | Output #4 |
This keyword creates an association between a specified level of a device and a variable that will contain the value of the level.
This can only appear in the DEFINE_START section of the program.
DEV: The device from which to read the level.
Level: The level of the device to read.
Value: Variable in which to store the level value.
DevLev: A DEVLEV structure.
Value: Variable in which to store the level value CREATE_LEVEL DevLev, Value.
During execution of the program, NetLinx continuously updates the variable to match the level that it represents.
NetLinx Cardframe, Control Cards, and NetModules - Operation Reference Guide | 37 |