NXC-VOL4 Volume Control Card
38 NetLinx Cardframe, Control Cards, and NetModules - Operation Reference Guide
This keyword sends a value to a specific level on a NetLinx device/port.
The syntax follows any one of the four following examples:
SEND_LEVEL DEV, Level, Value
SEND_LEVEL DEV[ ], Level, Value
DEV: Device containing the specified level
Level: Number of the level to receive the new value
Value: New level value
DEV[ ]: Device array (each device contains the specified level)
DEVLEV: Device-level to receive the new value
DL[ ]: Device-level array (each will receive the new value)
Programming Information
These NetLinx Send_Commands control the NXC-VOL4.
NXC-VOL4 Send_Commands
Command Description
PL Ramps specified (audio) channel(s) from current level to a specified preset level or percentage at the
current rate or optionally in a specified amount of time.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,'P<Output Channel>L<Level>[T<Time>]'
Output Channel: Target audio channel number (0-2). Output channel 0 means both channels 1 and 2.
Level: Target level (0-255 or 0-100%). Level 0 is lowest volume (same as mute) and 255 (or 100%) is
maximum volume.
Time: Specifies the amount of time (in .10-second increments) that it takes to ramp the specified audio
channel to the specified level.
Ramps both audio channels on MYDEVICE to 50% volume at the current ramp rate.
PR Sets the ramp rate of the specified channel(s) where Time is the time to ramp the full range both down to
up and up to down or optionally just down to up or just up to down. If Time is set to 50, it takes 5 seconds to
ramp through the full range of 0 to 255 (0-100%). It would take 2.5 seconds to ramp through half of the
range and so on.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,'P<Output Channel>R<Time>[U|D]'
Output Channel: Target channel number (0-2). Output channel 0 means both channels 1 and 2.
Time: Specifies the amount of time (in .10-second increments) that it would take to ramp the full range of
0-100% (down to up and up to down or optionally just down to up or just up to down).
U|D: Ramps the specified channel(s) from down to up (U) or from up to down (D).
Sets ramp rate of audio channels 1 and 2 to five seconds full range from down to up and up to down.