or (https: connection with encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Please be aware of the https function is slower than http.)
Click any function at the first time; it will pop up a dialog to authenticate current user.
Login name: admin
Default password: 00000000
Or login with the
Login name: user
Default password: 1234
2.8.2 Console Serial Port
Use NULL modem cable to connect console port.
The console setting is baud rate: 115200, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
Terminal type: vt100
Login name: admin
Default password: 00000000
2.8.3 Remote Control – Secure Shell
SSH (secure shell) is required for the iSCSI RAID subsystem to remote login. The SSH client software is available at the following web site:
SSHWinClient WWW: http://www.ssh.com/
Putty WWW: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/
Host name: (Please check your DHCP address for this field.)
Login name: admin
Default password: 00000000
NOTE: The iSCSI RAID series only support SSH for remote control. For using SSH, the IP address and the password is required for login.