4.5 Disk Roaming
Physical disks can be
1.Select “/ Volume configuration / RAID group”.
2.Move the mouse pointer to the gray button next to the RG number then click “Deactivate”.
3.Move all PDs related to the RG to another system.
4.Move the mouse pointer to the gray button next to the RG number then click “Activate”.
5.Done. The RG has roamed to another system.
Disk roaming has some constraints as described in the following:
1.Check the firmware of two systems first. It is better that both systems have the same firmware version or newer.
2.All physical disks of related RG should be moved from
4.6Support Microsoft MPIO and MC/S
Microsoft iSCSI initiator supports
1.A host with dual LAN ports connects cables to the subsystem.
2.Create a RG/VD and attach this VD to the host .
3.When installing “Microsoft iSCSI initiator”, please install MPIO driver at the same time.
4.Logon to target separately on each port. When logon to target, check “Enable
5.MPIO mode can be selected on Targets Æ Details Æ Devices Æ Advanced in Microsoft iSCSI initiator.
6.Rescan disk.
7.There will be one disk running MPIO.