UDV operations description:
Set property
Attach LUN
Detach LUN
List LUN
More information
Extend a Virtual disk capacity.
Scrub a Virtual disk. It’s a parity regeneration function. It supports RAID 3 / 5 / 6 only.
Delete a Virtual disk.
Change the VD name, right, priority and bg rate. Right options:
“WT” Æ Write Through. “WB” Æ Write Back. “RO” Æ Read Only.
Priority options:
“HI” Æ HIgh priority. “MD” Æ MiD priority. “LO” Æ LOw priority.
Bg rate options:
“4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0” Æ Default value is 4. The higher number the background priority of a VD has, the more background I/O will be scheduled to execute.
Attach to a LUN.
Detach to a LUN.
List attached LUN(s).
Show Virtual disk detail information.