

General Operation





I am confused about which

See Terminology, page xv for details

equipment the terms Local and


Remote refer to.




Erratic Operation

The KVM Over the NET™ switch needs to be


started before any cascaded switches.


1. Make sure to power it on before powering on the




2. If the cascaded switch was started before the


KVM Over the NET™ switch, reset or restart the


cascaded switch.




Press and release the Reset switch (see Reset


Switch, page 10).



I have been given an account

1. Make sure that you have correctly specified your

but I am unable to log in.

Username and Password.


2. Make sure that the administrator has given you


the necessary permission to access the switch.


3. Ask your administrator to see if the switch is


under CC management. If it is, he will have to


resolve the situation either by disabling CC


management on the switch (see page 153), or by


deselecting it on the CC server (see the CC User


Manual for details).



I can’t access the switch, even

If the switch is behind a router, the router’s Port

though I have specified the IP

Forwarding (also referred to as Virtual Server)

address and port number

feature must be configured. See Port Forwarding,


page 241, for details.



When logging in from a browser,

If a login string has been set, make sure to include

the following message appears:

the forward slash and correct login string when you

404 Object Not Found.

specify the KVM Over the NET™ switch’s IP


address. (See Login String, page 166.)



Sudden loss of network

Close your connection to the KVM Over the NET™


switch. Wait approximately 30 seconds, and log in






No remote server video display

Check that your KVM Adapter Cable’s firmware

on the client computer.

version is the same as the version stored in the


switch’s Main firmware. See Firmware Upgrade


Recovery, page 186 for details




Set the remote server resolution to 1280 x 1024 or

