Menu Options/Display Screen Mode
Display Screen Mode
This feature allows you to personalize the display of the unit to individual preferences. Upon entering the Display Screen mode (Figure 47), you can adjust the way information is viewed. Use the scroll wheel or the remote control up/down buttons to highlight the setting you wish to adjust; then press the Select button to confirm the selection.
Scrolling Display
Background Mode
Figure 47. Display Screen Mode
Scrolling Display: The Scrolling Display feature allows the user to program the CommanderMT System to scroll stock ticker or Info Extras information across the bottom portion of the screen (continuous stream of information). The paging mode feature presents the data one page at a time and is useful when viewing the display at a distance.Upon entering the Scrolling Display mode (Figure 48), use the scroll wheel or the remote control up/down buttons to highlight either Scrolling On or Scroll ing Off; then press the Select button. Selection acceptance is confirmed by an audio beep and the confirmation screen shown in Figure 49.