Call Park
The Call Park feature lets you place a call on hold at your telephone for retrieval at any extension.
Parking a call at your extension
If your System Administrator has programmed one of the Line/Feature buttons to represent Call Park, press that button to initiate Call Park,
Press Trnsfr and dial the Call Park Access Code, then press Trnsfr again.
The call is parked at your extension.
Retrieving a parked call from another extension
1.With the handset
2.Dial the extension where you parked the call (usually your own extension).
If an intercept tone sounds, the parked call has been disconnected or retrieved by someone else.
Call Pickup and Directed Call Pickup
The Call Pickup feature lets you answer a call at your telephone for another extension in your call pickup group. Directed call pickup, if available, lets you pick up a call for a specific extension even if that extension is not part of your pickup group. Because these features may operate differently among customers, check your office procedures on picking up calls before performing the procedures below.
Answering a call placed to someone in your pickup group (when your phone is idle)
If your System Administrator has programmed one of the Line/Feature buttons to represent Call Pickup, press the Call Pickup Feature button,
Dial the Call Pickup Access Code.
The extension called stops ringing and you are connected to the call for pickup.