Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
13.2. Product settings
To find out more about the product settings, please refer to the barcode reader User Manual.
Check the box to activate Baracoda Header
Check the box to activate prefix/suffix
Configure reader’s User Interface when a barcode is read
Select reading mode
Configure the number of barcodes (1 or MAX) that are buffered by the reader (real time mode, reading barcodes while disconnected)
Configure reader’s
User Interface when a barcode is acknowledged
Check the box to Activate no data loss
mode (acknowledgement)
When Prefix/Suffix box is checked, select Data format (ASCII or Hex) and type values in
active fields.
Display the entire data format sent to the host device
Configure reader’s User Interface when a barcode is queued before being acknowledged
13.3. Bluetooth settings
To find out more about the Bluetooth settings, please refer to the barcode reader User Manual.
Select max BT power allowed by law in your country.
Check the box to activate PIN code authentication
Select the duration of Sniff period
Reader’s PIN code, used when Security is enabled
BaracodaManager for PC – User Guide v3.39 | - 57 - |