Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a less secure, but more
widely adopted wireless security protocol. Depending on the security level (64- or
Wireless Protected Access (WPA) is the new standard in
the wireless security. However, not all wireless cards and adapters support this technology. Please check your wireless adapter’s user manual to check if it supports WPA. Instead of a hex key, WPA uses only passphrases, which are much easier to remember.
The following section, intended for the home,
At the time of publication, four encryption methods are available: Encryption Methods:
Name | ||||
| Equivalent Privacy | Encryption | Protected | Protected |
| Access | Access |
Acronym |
| ||
Security | Good | Better | Best | Best |
Features | Static keys | Static keys | Dynamic key | Dynamic key |
| encryption | encryption |
| and mutual | and mutual |
| authentication | authentication |
| Encryption keys | Added security | TKIP (temporal | AES |
| based on RC4 | over | key integrity | (Advanced |
| algorithm (typically | WEP using a | protocol) | Encryption |
| key length of | added so | Standard) | |
| 104 bits, plus | that keys are | does not |
| 24 additional | rotated and | cause any |
| bits of system- | encryption is | throughput |
| generated data | strengthened | loss |
WEP is a common protocol that adds security to all