CG-EWCG-001 WirelessE911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 BellSouth WirelessE9–1–1/SS7 Interconnection
not modify it, it simply passes whatever valueit receives. Once again, the NDET sets this value, butas of
NA013 does not use it to identify wireless calls.
In NA016,the NDET beganchecking theOLI parameteron wireless E9-1-1 calls ONLYwhen using AIN
Selectiverouting. If the received value was #3d, #3e, or #3f(61, 62, 63), the ChargePtyStationType was
set accordingly in the TCAP TATmessage to the remote database. If the originating wireless office did not
send the parameter, the NDET set the ChargePtyStationTypeto #3d (61) so the remote database knows to
use the correct parameter to performSelective Routing. Other than when using AIN Selective routing,
the OLI parameter is not used for E9-1-1purposes. If BellSouth NDET is running software NA016 or
require the WSP to provide the OLI parameter as definedin this document.
A.11 Attachment "B" - Wireless Customer Questions & Answers:A.11.1 Why is BellSouth issuing this document?
There have been conflicting views on the meaning of the terms "CAS" and "NCAS" in the Phase 2
environment, andon what data should be placed in the various IAM parameters of an SS7 wireless call.
NENA recognized this conflict and established a committee that included members from the wireless
carriers, service providers, and public safety community. They created the "NENA 05-501 Technical
Information Document on SS7 Guidelines for MSC to Selective Router Connectivity" document so that
9-1-1 Service System Providers could clearly define the call setup methods supported in their respective
networks. BellSouth is documenting our supported interconnection guidelines through the perspectiveof
the NENAdocument so that all wireless carriers and switch providers see the requirements in a consistent
and uniform method.
A.11.2 Do I have to change my existingtrunks to SS7?
No, this is an additional signaling option. As a WSP you should determine if it fits your needs. If you
choose to do so, BellSouth will utilize the same basic process that you currently use when ordering
E9-1-1 trunks. This document is merely a tool to clarify the interconnection requirements for wireless
E9-1-1 service if you intend to utilize SS7 signaling.
A.11.3 Will this let me deliver ESRDs/ESRKs from more than one NPA on the SS7
trunk group?
SS7 signaling does allow multiple NPAs to be delivered over a common trunk group. BUT, this may
be dependent on how default routing is defined.
A.11.4 Will this let me reduce the number of trunk groups I have in place?
Separate trunk groups may still be required dependent on how default routing is defined,and/or dependent
on congestion control needs.
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