CG-EWCG-001 WirelessE911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 Overview of E911
Table B Glossary of Terms (continued)
Term Definition
Pseudo-ANI (pANI) The telephone number assigned by the wireless carrier to designate
a specific cell antenna face or PSAP. Also see Automatic Number
Identification (ANI).
Public Safety
Answering Point
The answering location for 911 calls.
RCF Remote Call Forwarding
SALI Stand Alone Automatic Location Identification
SCC Communications A vendor designated by BST to handle E911 data maintenance
(now Intrado)
SelectiveRouting (SR) A standard feature that routesan E911callfrom theE911 tandemto
the designated PSAP based upon the address and assigned ESNof
the pseudo-ANI telephone number record.
ServiceOrder Interface
Record (SOIR) A formatted data record sent to the E911 host computer system by
the wireless carrier. (see TSS)
Signaling System
7 (SS7)/Common
Channel Signaling 7
An out-of-band signaling system used to provide basic routing
information, call set up and other call termination functions.
Signaling is removed from the voice channel and put on a separate
data network.
Subscriber Person or end user making a 911 call.
System ID A two(2) character code used to identify a tandem. (Assigned by
TandemRouting An arrangement for connecting E911calls to the correct PSAP
based on the ESN associatedto the pseudo-ANI telephone number
service address. (see Selective Routing)
Telco (Telephone
Company) A term used interchangeable throughout this document to depict a
Bell Operating Co.,an Independent Company, an Alternative Local
Exchange Carrier (ALEC) or a Wireless service provider.
TN TelephoneNumber
Transaction Servicing
System (TSS) The BellSouth E911vendor’s computer system that performs
database processing.
WSANI WirelessSubscribers ANI (see ANI or pANI)
Note: Additional wireless and technical information may be found on the NENA web site at
http://nena9-1-1.org:Click here to access website.
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