WirelessE911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
Tableof Contents Issue 3, January 6, 2004
3.5 Interface Testing .............................................. 18
4. MSAG Maintenanceand ESN Assignment . . . . . . . .............. ..... 19
4.1 Overview ................................................... 19
4.2 ESN Assignments ............................................. 19
4.3 MSAGMaintenance and Validation .................................. 20
5. TN Database Updates . ........................ ............... 23
5.1 Overview ................................................... 23
5.2 TN Database Daily Updates: Wireless Carrier Responsibilities ................ 24
5.3 E911 Customer Responsibilities .................................... 26
5.4 Instructions for NXX TableUpdate Form .............................. 27
5.5 NXX TableUpdate Form . . ...................................... 29
5.6 MSAGFormatting ............................................. 30
5.6.1 Correct Format ............................................. 30
5.6.2 Incorrect Format ............................................ 30
5.7 Standard Street Suffix (Thoroughfare) Designations / Directionals .............. 31
5.7.1 BellSouth Street Suffix (Thoroughfare) Abbreviations (Table) ............... 31
5.8 Standard Location Designations .................................... 32
5.9 Updating the TN Database . . ...................................... 33
5.10 Service Order Interface File Specifications ............................. 34
5.11 SOIR File Data Record Layout ..................................... 34
5.11.1 Table: SOIR File Data Record - BellSouth 512 Character Format for Data Exchange 34
5.12 SOIR File Header Record Layout ................................... 40
5.12.1 Table: SOIR File Header Record - BellSouth 512 Character Formatfor Data
Exchange ................................................ 40
5.13 SOIR File Trailer Record Layout ................................... 40
5.13.1 SOIR FileTrailer Record -BellSouth 512 CharacterFormat for DataExchange . . . 40
5.14 Mechanized File Transfer . . ...................................... 41
5.15 Mechanized File Confirmations .................................... 41
6. TN Errorsand Corrective Action . . . . ........................ ..... 43
6.1 Overview ................................................... 43
6.2 Electronic Error Delivery . . ...................................... 43
6.2.1 The Confirmation Report ...................................... 43
6.2.2 The StatisticsReport . . . ...................................... 46
6.2.3 Distribution of Daily Reports .................................... 47
6.2.4 TN Error Deletion ........................................... 48
6.3 Error Codes and Error Descriptions .................................. 48
6.4 Error Code and Corrective Action ................................... 50
6.5 Compiled Error Report .......................................... 58
7. PSAP Inquiries . . . . . . ................. ...................... 59
7.1 Overview ................................................... 59
7.2 PSAP Inquiry Form ............................................ 60
7.3 PSAP Inquiry Log ............................................. 61
7.3.1 Instructions for Completing PSAP Inquiry Log ........................ 61
7.4 Inquiry Flow ................................................ 62
7.5 InvestigationProcedures . . . ...................................... 62
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