WirelessE911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
TN Errorsand Corrective Action Issue 3, January 6, 2004
Table H Error Codes and Corrective Action (continued)
ErrorCode Error Message Occurs when. . . Corrective Action for. . .
701 Housenumber is not
in MSAGrange The house number on the incoming
SOIR is not found in the house number
range for the street and community on
the MSAG
Determine if the street range exists in
the MSAG.
• If the house number on the SOIR is
correct butis notin the MSAG, issue
an AVRto the E911 coordinator to
update the MSAG house number
• If the house number on the SOIR
is incorrect issue a SOIR with the
correct house number that matches
the MSAG house number range
702 Record already
exists, insert not
TheSOIR has aFOC of I and attempts to
insert a TN into the database that already
Using the image of the existing record
that is sent with the error, determine if
the existing database TN is incorrect or
if the SOIR error is incorrect.
• If the existing database TN is
incorrect, resubmit the SOIR with
a FOC of C to overlay the existing
data with the SOIR data
• If the error record TN is incorrect,
resubmit a SOIR with FOC of E
to delete the errored record and
then resubmit another SOIR for the
correct TN
704 Record does not
exist for delete The TN for the incoming SOIRdoes not
exist in the database Determine if the account has been
• If disconnected, submit E FOC
SOIR to delete error record
• If error record was issued for invalid
TN, submit E FOC SOIR to delete
error record and resubmit new D
FOC SOIR for correct TN
705 Mainaccount record
not found for delete Themain account TN on theincoming
SOIR does not exist in the database Determine if the account has been
• If disconnected, submit E FOC
SOIR to delete error record
• If error record was issued for invalid
TN, submit E FOC SOIR to delete
error record and resubmit new D
FOC SOIR for correct TN
- continued -
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