CG-EWCG-001 WirelessE911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 PSAP Inquiries
7.5.4 ESN
Investigateas necessary with the E911 Customer to determine the correct address. Update the address
information for the pseudo-ANI TN record by submitting a corrected SOIR with the validinformation.
Once resolved, check action: "Trouble cleared as of (enter the date)" and return the inquiry to the
originator. If it is determined that the pseudo-ANI address is correct, check action: "Trouble Referred
to Other on (Enter date)". These Inquiry Forms should be returned to INTRADO for investigation. If it
is determined that a correction in the pseudo-ANI TN record is necessary,INTRADO will contact the
wireless carrier for a new SOIR to be sent.
7.5.5 Misroutes
Amisroute indicatesthe E911 call routed to the wrong PSAP. Routing is determined by the ESN associated
with the matching address record in the MSAG database. Investigate as necessary with the E911 Customer
to determine the correct address. The E911 Customer should be able to assist with identifying the MSAG
validaddress and the associated ESNto route the calls to thedesired PSAP. Update the address information
for the pseudo-ANI TN record by submitting a corrected SOIR with the MSAG valid information. Check
action: "Trouble cleared as of (enter the date)" and return the inquiry to the originator. If it is determined
that the pseudo-ANI address is correct, check action: "Trouble Referred to Otheron (Enter date)". These
Inquiry Formsshould be returnedto INTRADO for investigation.If it is determinedthat a correction inthe
pseudo-ANITN recordis necessary, INTRADO will contact the wirelesscarrier for anew SOIR to be sent.
7.6 Blank FormsBlank Formsmay be reproduced locallyas needed. An example of a PSAP Inquiry Log follows.
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