WirelessE911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
TN Database Updates Issue 3, January 6, 2004
basis as changes occur. Wireless Carriers will send daily updates to the E911 database via a mechanized
filetransfer. Specificationsfor mechanizedfile transfer are described later inthe tab. The file must include
pseudo-ANI TN records for the cell site locations or PSAPs in each E911 serving area. Only cell site or
PSAP information should be supplied, individual wireless subscriber data should not be provided unless
the service is provided to a fixed location. Pseudo-ANI numbers must be geographically valid for the
E911 selective routing tandem used to route calls to PSAPs. Prior to a new NXX being implemented,
the WirelessCarrier must furnish the NXX Tableupdate form to theBST WirelessE911 Implementation
Manager. The form and instructions for its completion are included in this tab. The Wireless Carrier would
begin submitting TN database records, also known as Service Order Interface Records (SOIRs), after the
MSAGhas been updated with cell site addresses and the NXXs have been added to the table.
The procedures for loading the pseudo-ANI TN records and the daily update process, including technical
specifications, are provided in this document. All pseudo-ANI TN records must match the E911 MSAG
database exactly beforethe record will be loaded to the TN database.
5.2 TN Database Daily Updates: Wireless Carrier Responsibilities
1Obtainofficial NENA Company
Identifierand include on each
pseudo-ANITN database record.
2Includeevery pseudo-ANI TN
recordwithin each E911service
3Includeblocks ofpseudo-ANI
numbersfor each antennaface (or
PSAP)to handle concurrent911
calls. Pseudo-ANI numbers must
begeographically valid for the
E911selective routing tandem
usedto route calls to PSAPs.
4Workdirectly with Intrado to
includethe Carrier’s Pseudo-ANI
numbersin theappropriate
SecurityTables and to identify
theappropriate E2interface to
invokefor Phase 2.
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