CG-EWCG-001 WirelessE911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 Coordination ofWireless Interconnection
2. Coordination of Wireless Interconnection2.1 Overview
This section provides the Wireless Carrierwith the steps necessary to interconnect with the BellSouth
(BST) E911 network.
The FCC WirelessPhase 1 Order requires the Wireless Carrier to provide both the cell sitesector location
information and the wireless subscribers call - back number for wireless 911 calls. Phase 2 requires the
additional data fieldslongitude and latitude be provided to represent the location of the caller when they
dialed 911. Cell site sector location information is provided in "static" database records as described in
TN Database Updates. The subscriber’s call - back number, longitude, and latitude must beprovided real
- time during 911call processing. Various technical solutions may be chosen by the WirelessCarrier to
provide the required data to the ALI database. Wireless Carriers must work with Intrado to ensure the
chosen solution is compatible with the BST ALI database interfaces. Some solutions allow the "static"
database records to be assignedon a PSAPbasis withthe cell site sector location information,call - back
number,and the longitude / latitude being provided real-time during 911 call processing.
Wireless Carriers must order Type 2C trunks for transmission of the voice and pseudo-ANI (pANI)
numbers to the E911 tandem. Some solutions may require SS7 / ISUP trunking between the wireless MSC
and the E911 tandem. If SS7 connectivity will beused, refer to Appendix A of this guide. In addition to
these trunks, WirelessCarriers maybe required to ordertwo(2) digital data circuits withsecondary channel
to the BST Automatic Location Identification (ALI) computers. These circuits are necessary to provide
Phase 1 real-time updates to the ALI database for storing the wireless subscribers ten digit call-back
number and for some solutions, cell site sector location information. Tworedundant ALI computers work
as a mated pair, therefore a digital data circuit is required to each of the two ALI computers. The need for
digital data circuits depends on the technical solution chosen. Steps to determine if there is a need, and
how to order these circuits, are described in this section.
Wireless Carriers mustalso provide E2 connectivity between the MPCs and the ALI database hosts
allowing Phase 2 location information to be populated in the ALI databases.
Interconnection to the BST E911network involves the effort of various BST departments. The BST
WirelessAccount Teamand Wireless E911 Implementation Manager will be thecoordinators betweenthe
WirelessCarrier and thevarious BST departmentsto assist with steps necessary for interconnection.
2.2 Coordination Process: Wireless Carrier
The Wireless Carrier will notify the BST WirelessAccount team and provide general information
concerning the request to interconnect to BST’s E911 network. This information should include the states,
counties, and / or parishes that are involved in the wireless coverage area, the method of interconnection to
the BST network, and the technical solution chosen to provide the wireless subscribers call - back number
and longitude / latitude to the ALI database, and E2 interface information.
WirelessCarriers must meet witheach of theE911 Customersin thewireless coveragearea to discuss cell
site locations, valid addresses and formats for static database records, ESN assignments, identification
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