WirelessE911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
BellSouth Wireless E9–1–1/SS7 Interconnection
Guide Issue 3, January 6, 2004
A.8 Cross Reference Tables to J-STD-036-AThe intention of this section is to provide a method for a WSP to assess which type of BellSouth supported
SS7/ISUP signaling option can best fit their needs. Each decision MUST take into account the capability
of the WSPs MSC andthe capability of the PSAP CPE,and may be impacted by the typeof ALI steering
options involved.
The following pages in this section represent the different interconnection scenarios that are described in
J-STD-036-A for Wireless E9-1-1 Phase 2.
A.8.1 Wireline Compatibility Mode (NDET uses signaling option E911_STD)
If the WSP will be using a Wireless E9-1-1 Phase 1 Non Callpath Associated Signaling (NCAS) Solution,
as described in J-STD-034 or WirelessE9-1-1 Phase 2 Wireline Compatibility Mode, as described in
J-STD-036-A to deliver theCall Back Number (CBN) and/or x, y coordinates to the PSAP via the
ALI database, Table"A" below describes an acceptable interconnection method (known as Wireline
Compatibility Mode in , as described in J-STD-036-A). In this interconnection method ONLYthe pANI is
sent into the BellSouthNDET, directly from the WSPs MSC over dedicated trunks. The pANI is used by
the NDET for selectiverouting, and then the pANI is sent to the PSAP the same way ANI would be on a
landline call. That may be as an 8 or 10 digit number, depending on the capability of the PSAP CPE.
The NCAS or WCM Solutionprovider is expected to create a record in the BellSouth ALI database that
will contain the CBN (among other data normally included by the NCAS provider, which may or may not
also include Phase 2 data). That activity is beyond the scope of this document.
Extracted in part from Annex D: of J-STD-036-A, clarifiedfor use in BellSouth.
Table"A" ISUP Initial Address Message Parameter Contents for Wireline Compatibility Mode (ESRK).
In this mode only the ESRK is sent as theANI over dedicated t runks to the SelectiveRouter because the
trunk between the Selective Router and the PSAP supports transport of only one 7/10 digit number.
Orreq Parameters ISUP Parameters Value
Digits(Dialed) Called party number (911) (see Note 1 below)
MDN (aka: CBN) Calling party number (see Note 2
below) ESRK
DMH_BillingDigits Charge Number (see Note 2
below) ESRK
GenericDigits Generic digits parameter (see Note
3 below) NOTALLOWED (see Note 3
GeographicPosition Calling geodetic location n/a
n/a Originating Line Information
(OLI) If included, use value 00
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