WirelessE911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
TN Errorsand Corrective Action Issue 3, January 6, 2004
Table F Confirmation Report Fields and Descriptions (continued)
GENERAL USE Mutually used by data exchange partners to pass information
not defined in previous fields.
CODE Code used to uniquely identify customer.
COMMENTS Optional notes may be displayed at PSAP
X COORDINATE Longitude / X coordinate
Y COORDINATE Latitude / Y coordinate
Z COORDINATE Structure elevation
CELL ID Identification number indicating a geographic region of cellular
SECTOR ID Sub set / section of a cell.
TARCODE TaxingArea Rate Code
RESERVED Positions 356-511 are reserved. Positions 378-380 are used by
Intrado to populate the three(3) digit error code (e.g. 709).
END OF RECORD Always an asterisk (*)
6.2.2 The Statistics Report
The Statistics Report provides information about the processed daily update records The top portionof the
report shows the number of records received, followed by the number of records in error, and the number
of inserts, changes and deletes thatwere successfully processed. The bottom portion of the report lists all
the valid errorcodes for the BellSouth region and the number of errors with that error code. Example of
the Statistics Report is shown below.
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