WirelessE911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
TN Database Updates Issue 3, January 6, 2004
Table C Instructions for NXX Table Update Form (continued)
Instructions for NXX Table Update Form
NPA/ NXX(s): List all NPA/NXXsfor pANI records in this service area.
E911 TANDEMCLLI: Enter the CLLI code for the E911 tandem for which 911 calls
using a pANI with This NXX will be routed to. (The BST
Wireless E911 Implementation Manager can assist you in
determining this value). The NPA/NXXs for the pANI records
must be valid in this E911selective routing tandem.
Completed forms should be faxed to the BST Wireless E911 Implementation Manager, (205) 977-7692
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