WirelessE911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
TN Errorsand Corrective Action Issue 3, January 6, 2004
to Intrado Connect, (2) click on the transfer key,and (3) click on the download keyand automatically
retrieve your reports.
6.2.4 TN Error Deletion
When a SOIR is processed, a check is made to determine if an error record exists in the error file with the
same TN on the SOIR.If an error record other than a U (Unlock) or M (Migrate) exists, the error record
will be deleted and the TN will be processed to the E911 Database if the subsequent SOIR is successful. If
an error other than for a U (Unlock) or M (Migrate) SOIR occurs while processing thesubsequent SOIR, a
new errorrecord will be written to theerror file, thusonly one SOIR record shouldever be present in the
error file for any given TN.
TN error records requiring deletion will be deleted by issuing a subsequent SOIR with an FOC = "E".
When the FOC = "E" on the subsequent SOIR, the error filewill be searched for a match on TN and, if
found, the error will be deleted from the error file. SOIRs sent with a FOC of "E" are used ONLYto
delete a TN from the error file and are not processed to a matching TN embedded record in the E911
database. An example of a situation where an "E" FOC might be used is to delete a TN errorrecord where
the original SOIR had been with an invalid TN.
6.3 Error Codes and Error DescriptionsThe following error codes may be generated and sent via fax.
Note: If an error code is received that is not reflected in this guide, please refer to the BellSouth
Wireless E911 Implementation Manager.
TableG Error Codes and Error Descriptions
100 CustomerCode not numeric
101 NPA/NXXnot valid
103 MainTN not numeric
105 NameMissing
106 AddressMissing
107 Housenumber contains invalid characters
108 Housenumber is too long
109 Streetdirection is too long
110 StreetDirection is invalid
111 Streetname is too long
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