CG-EWCG-001 WirelessE911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 TN Errorsand Corrective Action
Table H Error Codes and Corrective Action (continued)
ErrorCode Error Message Occurs when. . . Corrective Action for. . .
709 Street not found in
MSAG The directional prefix, street name,
community or state on the incoming
SOIR cannot be found in the MSAG
Determine if the street exists in the
• If the prefix, street, community and
state shown on the error record is not
found in the MSAG issue an AVR
to the E911 Coordinator to have the
MSAG updated (Note: Once the
MSAG is updated the error record
will process and load.)
• If the prefix, street, community or
state on the error record is incorrect
and a valid MSAG entry exists,
resubmit a corrective SOIR
710 Customer code
doesn’t match on
The customer code shown for the
incoming SOIR doesn’t match the
customer shown on the existing database
Determinethe correctcustomer code and
resubmit corrective SOIR with customer
code of 999 or blanks
711 Customer code or
street name does not
match on delete
The customer code, directional prefix,
street name and suffix on the incoming
SOIR does not match the TN in the
Using the image of the existing record
that is sent with the error, determine if
the TN in the database should be deleted
• If the existing database TN is should
be deleted, resubmit a correct D
• If the existing database TN should
not be deleted and the error record
TN is incorrect, resubmit a SOIR
with FOC of E to delete the errored
record and then resubmit another
SOIR for the correct TN
712 Record does not
exist for change The incoming C FOC SOIR TN is not
found in the TN database Determineif theerror record TN is valid:
• If error record TN is valid, no action
is necessary. Processing in the TN
database will change the C FOC to
an I FOC and insert the record.
• If the error record TN is invalid,
resubmit a D FOC SOIR to delete
the TN from the TN database and
then resubmit the C FOC SOIR for
the correct TN
- continued -
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