CG-EWCG-001 WirelessE911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 TN Database Updates
5CoordinateMSAG updates for the
cellsites (or PSAPs)submitted
on Maintenance Ledgers by
theE911 Customer(including
naming/numberingstreet data)
6Updateaddress onpseudo-ANI
(TN)records as addressdata or
cellsite coverage area is modified.
7Any newservice and all
subsequentactivity affecting the
cellsite location orPSAP records
mustbe updated into the TN
database. Each record affected
mustbe sent individually with the
appropriatechanges. For example,
ifthe address changesfor a cell
sitewhich has 3 pseudo-ANI
telephonenumbers, all three(3)
individualpseudo-ANI (TN)
recordsmust be updated.
8ResolveDaily Service Order
InterfaceRecord (SOIR) update
errorswithin 24 hours.
9Updatepseudo-ANI (TN) records
with validMSAG address
toresolve 911 call misroute
10 Handle special update
requirementsincluding area
transferupdates andNPA splits.
Masschanges must be coordinated
with BST.
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