PAL video 21 power cord
connecting 9 ordering 36
power up sequence 9, 32 PowerPoint slides, advancing 15 project from behind the screen 23 projector
cases 36
project from behind the screen 23 setting up 5
specifications 35 turning off 9 turning on 9
rear projection 23 remote control
advancing PowerPoint slides with 15
replacing the batteries 31 using 13, 14
replacing projection lamp module 27
Reset button 15
resetting adjustments 15, 23 resetting the lamp hour counter 30 resizing the image 19 resolution 1
safety guidelines iii security lock 31, 37 shutting off the projector 9 SimulScan, using with PowerBooks 43 Source button 14
specifications 35
starting up the projector 9 Status menu 25
Technical Support information to have on hand
before you call 34
temperature limits 35 text not visible 33 tint, adjusting 18 troubleshooting 32 turning off the projector 9 turning on the projector 9
vertical lines displayed 20, 34 video cable, connecting 8
video mirroring on a PowerBook 43 video resize 21
video standard 21
widescreen video 19, 21
zooming the image 11