Briggs & Stratton 134200 Jak pouívat obrázky v pøíruèce, Souèásti motoru viz obr. ¡, SymbolyCZ

Models: 134200 137200 133200 136200 135200

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Jak pou￿ívat obrázky v pøíruèce

¡- ¨ Obrázky uvnitø desek.

1 - 17

Díly motoru na obrázku ¡

-Díly a postupy na obrázcích.




Servisní díly uvnitø pøedních desek.

Zde si pro dal￿í pou￿ití zapi￿te model motoru, jeho typ a v￿robní èíslo.

Zde si pro dal￿í pou￿ití zapi￿te datum nákupu.

Souèásti motoru (viz obr. ¡)

1 Motor






xxxx xx


2Rukoje￿ lanka spou￿tìèe

3Palivová nádr￿

4Vypínaè chodu

5Plnicí hrdlo paliva

6Èistiè vzduchu

7Kryt v￿fuku / tlumiè v￿fuku

8Zapalovací svíèka

9Otvor na dolévání oleje/mìrka

10 Oil GARD, pokud je osazen

11 Chrániè prstù

12 Karburátor

13 Lapaè jisker, pokud je osazen

14 Zátka nalévacího otvoru oleje

15 Vypou￿tìcí zátka oleje

16 Hladina oleje

17 Elektrick￿ startér 12V, pokud je osazen


Tento symbol varuje pøed ohro￿ením osobní bezpeènosti. Pojmy nebezpeèí, v￿straha a pozor vyjadøují stupnì rizika. Pokud se nebudete uveden￿mi pokyny peèlivì øídit, vystavujete se riziku usmr- cení, zranìní a/nebo vzniku ￿kod na majetku.

Pokud jste si tuto pøíruèku podrobnì neproèetli a neporozumìli jí, nejste dos- tateènì pøipraveni k obsluze tohoto moto- ru. Prostudujte si peèlivì celou pøíruèku majitele a návod k pou￿ití zaøízení pohánìného tímto motorem.

Pøi údr￿bì a seøizování motoru nebo

pohánìného zaøízení odpojte kabel zapa- lování od svíèky a ukostøete jej. Pokud je motor vybaven elektrick￿m spou￿tìèem,

odpojte záporn￿ v￿vod baterie.

Motor SE NESMÍ pou￿ívat v

uzavøen￿ch prostorách. V￿fukové

plyny obsahují kyslièník uhelnat￿,

kter￿ je bez zápachu a smrtelnì jedo- vat￿.

Pøi horkém motoru nebo s motorem v chodu SE NESMÍ snímat víèko nalé- vacího hrdla paliva ani dolévat palivo do nádr￿e. Palivo SE NESMÍ dolévat v uzavøen￿ch nebo neodvìtran￿ch pros- torách. Pøed doplòování paliva nechte motor dvì minuty vychladnout.


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Briggs & Stratton 134200 Jak pouívat obrázky v pøíruèce, Souèásti motoru viz obr. ¡, SymbolyCZ, Motor Model Typ Kód Xxxxxx

134200, 137200, 133200, 136200, 135200 specifications

The Briggs & Stratton 136200 is a powerful and reliable small engine that is engineered to deliver exceptional performance and durability for a variety of applications. This versatile engine is a popular choice among outdoor power equipment manufacturers due to its robust features and advanced technologies.

One of the standout characteristics of the Briggs & Stratton 136200 is its 5.5 horsepower output, which is capable of powering lawn mowers, pressure washers, and other equipment. The engine operates with a displacement of 142cc, providing a great balance between power and fuel efficiency. Users can expect a long service life, thanks to the engine's rugged construction and high-quality materials.

The engine features a reliable overhead valve (OHV) design, which enhances fuel efficiency while optimizing the combustion process. This design contributes to lower emissions, making the Briggs & Stratton 136200 environmentally friendly. The OHV configuration also provides improved thermal regulation, resulting in better performance in various operating conditions.

Equipped with a ReadyStart system, the engine simplifies starting. This technology eliminates the need for a manual choke, allowing for effortless starting even in cold weather. Users appreciate the convenience of the automatic primer system, which ensures the correct amount of fuel reaches the combustion chamber with minimal effort.

Another key feature of the Briggs & Stratton 136200 is its low oil shutdown mechanism. This safety feature automatically stops the engine when the oil level becomes too low, preventing potential damage and prolonging the engine's lifespan. Additionally, the engine is designed for easy maintenance, with easily accessible components that allow for quick oil changes and tune-ups.

Furthermore, the built-in dual air cleaner system enhances filtration and ensures the engine operates smoothly, regardless of the dust and debris in the environment. This attention to air quality contributes to improved overall engine performance and longevity.

In summary, the Briggs & Stratton 136200 is a well-engineered small engine that combines power, efficiency, and convenience, making it an excellent choice for various outdoor equipment applications. Its advanced technologies, user-friendly features, and durable design position it as a trusted option for both manufacturers and end-users alike. Whether for residential lawn care or commercial cleaning tasks, the 136200 continues to prove its worth in the field.