e Double-click top.pdf. If the country screen appears, choose your country.

f After the list of User’s Guides appears, choose the Guide you want to read.

How to find Scanning instructions

There are several ways you can scan documents. You can find the instructions as follows:

Software User's Guide



Network Scanning

Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE How-to-Guides(Windows® users)

The complete Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE How-to- Guides can be viewed from the Help section in the Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE application.

General information

Presto! PageManager User’s Guide (Macintosh users)



Presto! PageManager must be downloaded and installed before use. For further instructions, see Accessing Brother Support (Macintosh) uu page 5.

The complete Presto! PageManager User’s Guide can be viewed from the Help section in the Presto! PageManager application.

How to find Network setup instructions

Your machine can be connected to a wired network.

Basic setup instructions uu Quick Setup Guide

For more information about network setup

uuNetwork User's Guide