Setting HTTP Server, Video Server, and Audio Server (Server)
1Enable Audio Transmission
If you check this option, you can send audio to NC Viewer, through a microphone with amp connected to the camera.
2Input Volume
Specify the input audio volume from 1 to 100. The audio will be louder when you enter a larger value.
3Enable Voice Activity Detection
Select this option, the camera transmits minimal data when audio is turned mute. In this way, you can reduce the network load.
4Enable Audio Reception
If you check this option, you can receive audio from the NC Viewer and output it from a speaker with amp connected to the camera.
5 Output Volume
Specify the output audio volume from 1 to 100. The audio will be louder when you enter a larger value.
6Disable Echo Canceller
If you uncheck this option, echo between a microphone and speaker with amp can be avoided.
Settings Detailed