3Setting the Flash

Flash exposure compensation

The same setting as “Flash exposure compensation” on page 190 can be set. For details, refer to the Speedlite’s instruction manual.

Flash exposure bracketing

While the flash output is changed automatically, three shots are taken. For details on FEB (Flash Exposure Bracketing), refer to the Speedlite’s instruction manual.

When using second-curtain synchronization, set the shutter speed to 1/25 sec. or slower. If the shutter speed is 1/30 sec. or faster, first-curtain synchronization will be applied even if [Second-curtain synchronization] is set.

By selecting [Clear flash settings], you can revert the flash settings to their defaults.

With an EX-series Speedlite not compatible with flash function settings, you can only set the following: [Flash firing], [E-TTL II meter.], and [Flash exposure compensation] under [Flash function settings]. ([Shutter synchronization] can also be set with certain EX-series Speedlites.)

If flash exposure compensation is set with the Speedlite, you cannot set the flash exposure compensation on the camera (with the <Q> button or flash function settings). If it is set with both the camera and Speedlite, the Speedlite’s setting overrides the camera’s.