-Also remove the card door which is between the front cover R and the side cover R.
-For the correct locations of claws and bosses on the back side of the front cover R, see the photo on the right (4 claws in the purple circles, 2 bosses in the green circles).
(IV) Remove the cable cover.
-Push the claw of the side cover R (indicated by the triangle mark in the red circle in the photo) with a
-Slide the side cover R outward so that the cable cover in the back can be removed.
-Lift the cable cover to remove the FAU cable from the groove of the side cover.
(V)Remove the side cover L and R (3 claws each). Side cover R:
-Be cautious of the FAU cable, IrDA board, and card LED guide.
-For the shape of the boss and recess, see the photos below.
-The bosses of the bottom case will fit into the square holes of the side cover.