Test Shots
Beforeyou try to photograph important subjects,we highly recommend that you shoot severaltrial imagesto confirm that the camerais operating and being operated correctly.Pleasenote that Canon, its subsidiariesand affiliates,and its distributors are not liable for any consequentialdamages arisingfrom any malfunction of a cameraor accessory,including
CompactFlashTM cards,that resultsin the failure of an image to be recorded orto be recordedin a format that is machinereadable.
Warning Against Copyright Infringement
Pleasenote that Canondigital camerasare intendedfor personaluseand shouldneverbe usedin a manner that infringesupon or contravenes international or domesticcopyright laws and regulations.Pleasebe advised that in certain casesthe copying of imagesfrom performances,exhibitions,or commercialpropertiesby meansof a cameraor other devicemaycontravene copyrightor other legalrights evenif the image was shot for personaluse.
Warranty Limitations
Thiscamera'swarranty is only effective in the country of sale.If a problem ariseswhile the camerais in useabroad, pleaseconveyit back to the country of salebefore proceedingwith a warranty claim to a Canon Customer Support Help Desk.
For Canon Customer Support contacts, please see the Canon Limited Warranty supplied with your camera.
•Before using the camera, please ensure that you read and understand the safety precautions described below. Always ensure that the camera is operated correctly.
•The safety precautions noted on the following pages are intended to instruct you in the safeand correct operation of the camera and its accessoriesto prevent injuries or damage to yourself, other persons and equipment.
•In the next few pages, the term "equipment" refers primarily to the camera and its power supply accessories,such asthe battery charger and optional compact power adapter or car battery charger.