YourcameraisequippedwithanInteJJigentOrientationsensorthat detectstheorientationofanimageshotwiththecameraonendand automaticaJ[yrotatesittothecorrectviewingorientationinthedispJay. Youcansetthisfunctionon/off.
•SeeSelecting MenusandSettings (p. 38).
Inthe[] (Setup)
H select8. menu,
•Usethe _ or (_ button to select [On] or [Off].
The display will return to the Rec.screen. When the Auto Rotate function is set to
[On] and the LCD monitor is set to the detailed display mode, the [] icon (normal), [] icon (right end is down) or [] icon (left end is down) will appear in the upper right of the display.
Orientation sensor judges the upper end to be "up" and the lower end to be "down." It then regulates the optimal white balance, exposure and focus for vertical photography. This function operates regardlessof the On/Off status of the Auto Rotate function.
•When changing the camera'sorientation between the horizontal and vertical positions, you may hear noise coming from the orientation detection mechanism. This is not a malfunction.
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is pointed straight up or down. Check that the arrow is pointing in the right direction and if it is not, then set the Auto Rotate function to [Off].
•Even if the Auto Rotate function is set to [On], the orientation of images downloaded to a computer will depend upon the software used to download the images.