Advanced Print Features
To manually adjust print quality settings in Mac OS:
1. Make sure that the S600 is the selected printer (from the Apple menu, select Chooser, then S600).
2.From an application File menu, click Print.
3.Click the Manual print mode icon,
then click the Details button. The Detailed Setting dialog box will open. Make sure Quality is selected.
4.Click and drag the Print Quality slide bar to select your preferred output quality.
5.When done, click OK, then Print.
Adjusting Color Balance, Intensity and Brightness
You can enhance color printing by adjusting the color balance, intensity (saturation) and brightness.
For more information on these settings, see the S600 User’s Guide on the Setup Software & User’s Guide in Windows; turn on Bubble Help in Mac) while in the printer driver interface.
To manually adjust color settings in Windows:
1.From an application File menu, select Print.
2. With Canon S600 as the selected printer, click Properties.
3.On the Main tab, under Color Adjustment, select Manual. The Set button will become active.