Special Shares, Groups & Users
The Storage Server has pre-defined shares, groups and users that
may not be deleted, although limited modif ications may be made.
Shares & Folders
(Share name
matches Drive
Each disk drive has a share which matches the drive
name. This is the root folder. Backing up this share
backs up all data on the drive.
•The administrator group ALWAYS has Read/Write
access to this share.
public share By default, the everyone group has Read/Write access
to this folder. This can not be changed, so ALL users
always have Read/Write access to the public share.
This share can not be deleted.
spool folder System folder, accessed via the Browse menu, holds
print jobs waiting to be printed.
Deleting a file in this folder will cancel the
corresponding print job.
everyone This group cannot be deleted.
All users are members of this group, and cannot be
removed from this group.
By default, this group has Read/Write access to the
public share. This can not be changed, but access to
other shares can be granted or revoked.
administrator ALWAYS has Read/Write access to ALL shares.
This group cannot be deleted.
•The admin user cannot be removed from this group, but
other users may be added or deleted.
admin This user cannot be deleted.
•The admin user is a member of the administrator group, and
has Read/Write access to all shares.
By default, the admin user has no password, but a password
can be assigned. Assigning a password is recommended.